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Magazine team 

Luna Thissen & Selina de Ruijter

FLiNK is a new, premium children's clothing brand focused on the sensory development of children. Tactility is an important element in this. What makes our clothing unique is that it stimulates children to learn by discovery. FLiNK inspires and activates parents to discover the tactile world with their children. This addresses skills such as creative perception, associative thinking and motor skills. The main goal is activating children to discover the world with their senses. 


FLiNK magazine 

Flink magazine is a sponsored magazine of the children's brand FLiNK. It is designed to inform parents about the sensory development of their child and offer them tools and active assignments to apply the acquired knowledge with their son or daughter. Each edition is focused on a specific sense. In this edition we concentrate on ‘feeling’.

NOTE: New photography of the magazine itself is coming soon! Here a little sneak peak of some spreads.

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